
Eva Aizen Moore was born in 1928 in Leipzig, Germany. She had two older sisters named Ursula and Susanne. She was thrown out of school in the 4th grade as a result of persecution from the Nazi regime coming into power in Germany. Both her sisters and her father Isaak were ultimately killed by Hitler in the Auschwitz concentration camp. She would have suffered the same fate, but her mother managed to keep her in hiding. The Nazis were not after her mother because she was not Jewish. After the end of WWII, the city of Leipzig was taken over by Russian Communism. She lived under that tyrannical regime for six years after the war before escaping East Germany and making her way to the United States in 1951.

Her first stop in the United States was in Columbia, South Carolina. She went to The Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School there and passed her high school equivalency test there. She later worked at Avis Rent-A-Car in Columbia, SC. She was briefly married during this period of her life but then was divorced.

In 1961, she decided to move Miami, Florida because she termed herself a "sun-worshipper" that wanted to enjoy the Miami beaches. She worked as a sales clerk at Burdines department store. She married Gene R. Moore later that year. He was a gas station manager. In 1968, she gave birth to me, her son Kenneth R. Moore. I am her only child. Severe back pain from an injury she had when she was 26 years old and my birth forced her to quit working and become a full-time home-maker. She enjoyed cooking, cleaning, sewing and other household chores. She considered herself an immaculate housekeeper and took great pride in making sure everything was always clean.

In 1977 my Father decided to move to Orlando, Florida to work for his brother, my Uncle, Douglas Moore at a major hardware store that my uncle managed. So we moved and Orlando would become our hometown until the present.

In 1979 my Father left us and my Mother later filed for divorce. My Mom raised me alone on a shoestring budget from my Dad's child support payments after that. She took care of me then, so I am now doing everything I can to take care of her.

Eva Moore loves Big Band/Swing music. Her favorite, by far, is the Glenn Miller Orchestra. She also likes Tommy Dorsey and Benny Goodman. Her favorite song is "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller. She also likes some New Orleans jazz. Pete Fountain and Al Hirt are artists she likes in this style. She also likes some operas, Frank Sinatra, and Tom Jones. More recently she has taken a strong liking to the music of Sarah Brightman and Alessandro Safina. She would watch Sara Brightman's Symphony concert (which features Alessandro Safina) over and over again. Glenn Miller's music is the one thing more than anything in this world that would give my Mom joy. I would frequently see her suffering with her chronic back pain, but when I'd put on one of her Glenn Miller CDs for her, she would start dancing around the house. She always said she loved Glenn Miller so much because Hitler hated him. She said she would listen to the radio broadcasts of Glenn Miller that the Allies beamed into Germany.

Because of her back pain limiting her activity, she would watch a lot of TV. Her favorite shows to watch in recent years have been The Nanny and King of Queens in syndication.

She is a good person that is 100% honest. She is also extremely funny without even realizing how funny she is. She has no filter whatsoever and if she thinks it, she says it, and the results of that can often be hilarious. During this hospitalization, we have had no less than 7 staff members say "Your Mom is a trip". She keeps everyone thoroughly entertained.

I will post some pictures here as I'm able to get them scanned.