
Eva Moore passed away on January 29th, 2013 after a more than year long battle with hospital acquired infections called Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens . On January 11th, 2012, she entered the hospital after a massive heart attack. She never returned home after acquiring these deadly infections after her initial surgery. She lived her final year on a ventilator in various facilities with antibiotics unable to rid her of these bacteria that kept her condition from improving.

This site is built by her son Kenny in remembrance of his Mother. He was at his Mom's side being her advocate at the medical facilities she was sent to for 15-24 hours a day for 384 days in hopes of saving her life. This site is also documentation of her case and a warning to others of some of the things that can and will happen to you or your loved ones during extended hospital stays.

Please read the Case History page and the Treatment page to learn all that transpired during the 12-1/2 months Eva Moore was hospitalized. Covered on these pages are incidents of horribly neglectful and mistake-riddled care, and details of the experimental treatment that son Kenny fought for his Mom to receive to try to save her life, only to be met by a brick wall in the form of the United States health care system.

This website was originally intended to be a last-ditch fund-raising appeal in the desperate hope of obtaining the funding needed to fly Eva Moore to the country of Georgia by Air Ambulance to receive this treatment. But her son Kenny ran out of time on that effort as she died just before he could complete the initial version of the site. So now he has decided to revamp the site into a memorial and documentation of her case. He strongly urges everyone visiting this site to not let your loved ones go unassisted by family for any longer than you have to if they are in the hospital. Mistakes, neglect and poor care are RAMPANT from his experience and he urges others to always be there to fight for your loved ones to get the best care possible. It simply will not happen if you are not there, and it often will not happen even if you are there.